9055 Bosque Del Oso Road, Weston Co, 81091
Ph : 719-868-2249 / Fax : 719-868-2222


What is the phone number to my fire department?

Call the fire district office at 719-868-2249.


I have a question about Fire Code--who can I call?

Las Animas County has adopted the International Fire Code.  Contact our Fire Chief at 719-868-2249.


Is there a current fire ban in effect?

Check with the fire district.


Who can I call about employment opportunities?

The Stonewall Fire Protection District is staffed by volunteers.  If you are 18 years of age or older, contact the Fire District at 719-868-2249 about volunteer opportunities.


Can I burn branches, grass, or weeds in the irrigation ditch in my backyard?

Yes, but obtain a burn permit before burning.  Call the fire district office at 719-868-2249 for a burn permit.


How do I get a burn permit?

Call the district office at 719-868-2249 or you can print the form from the Burn Permit page, fill it out, and mail it to the district office.


Can I have a campfire? 

Recreational fires are limited to three feet by three feet in size and must have a permit from the Fire Department.  Fires larger in size require the presence of off-duty firefighters and equipment at a considerable cost.  For all fires call 719-868-2249.


Can I have a campfire in the mountains?

Within Forest Service lands, call the BLM at 719-269-8561 or Las Animas County at 719-846-2211 to check on burn bans.


How can I get a copy of the incident report?

Call 719-868-2249 for a report copy.  Requests for medical reports must be accompanied by a signed release from the patient and a copy of a valid ID.  You may also fax your report request to 719-868-2222.


How can I get brochures/information on fire safety?

Contact our fire district office by calling 719-868-2249.


How can I report a fire hazard?

Contact the fire district office at 719-868-2249.


Do you provide CPR and First Aid classes?

Yes.  Please call 719-868-2249 for information.


How close can I park to a fire hydrant?

Fifteen (15) feet.


How do I clean up after fire/smoke damage?

Clean walls, floors, furniture, drapes, etc., with the following solution:


     * 4 to 6 tablespoons Tri-Sodium Phosphate

     * 1 cup Lysol or any chloride bleach

     * 1 gallon water


       Caution:  Wear rubber gloves with this solution.  Rinse with warm water and dry.           Make sure there is as much air circulating as possible.  Most of the time your insurance company will have their approved environmental clean-up company contact you.


How do I dispose of an old fire extinguisher?

Contact a private company, found in the yellow pages of the phone book under "Fire Extinguishers."


How do I talk to the Fire Chief?

Contact the Office of the Fire Chief at 719-868-2249 to make an appointment.


How does my out-of-town alarm company contact the Fire Department?

Call the Trinidad 24-hour Dispatch Center at 719-846-4441.  Please inform your company to give the Fire Department your name and contact number.


I need an EMT or Paramedic to cover a special event.

Contact the Trinidad Ambulance District at 719-846-6886.


I need an ISO rating.

All dwellings located within five road miles of any of the Stonewall Fire Protection District stations are rated a Class 8b.


I need assistance with my Smoke Alarm or Carbon Monoxide detector. 

Contact the fire district office 719-868-2249.  We can schedule a courtesy inspection.


Where can I get my fire extinguisher recharged?

Contact a private company, found in the yellow pages of the phone book under "Fire Extinguishers."


Where can I purchase flame retardant spray?

Contact your fire department at 719-868-2249.


Can I build a fireplace in my backyard?

In Las Animas County, call the Las Animas County Building Department at 719-846-4486.


Can I burn wood in a Chimenea or other outdoor burning appliance in my backyard?

Yes.  But you must use only clean and dry fuel.  Smoke can cause neighborhood problems, especially those neighbors with lung problems.  Clean and dry fuel usually eliminates this issue.  Call 719-868-2249 questions regarding backyard fires.


Can I have a pig roast?

Yes.  There is no permit required when using a commercial pig roaster.  Fires over 9 square feet or greater than 3 feet by 3 feet for cooking require a permit from the Fire Department.  Also consider your neighbors and advise them you will be burning wood for a roast.