9055 Bosque Del Oso Road, Weston Co, 81091
Ph : 719-868-2249 / Fax : 719-868-2222


The Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department was formed in the year of 1949.  The presiding Committee was composed of Mr. John Doveton, Mr. Adolf Storz, and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Parsons.  The Fire Garage at that time was situated at the road front of the Phillips Motel.  Mr. & Mrs. Phillips donated the building until such time that another dwelling could be obtained.  Another SVFD garage (at the Stonewall Station) was built in 1967-68 and dedicated on July 7, 1968.  The building Committee was headed by Mr. Stanley Barron.  Mr. George Chavez volunteered to set up cement forms and the County finished material and labor.  Work was to be accomplished under the supervision of the Fire Department members.  Labor was provided under Work Program # 5 which was composed of un-employed who wanted to learn a trade.  Garage Plans - 30 X 40 cement block.  Building to be 12' high with two 10' overhead doors, floor space between trucks to dry hose, space for tool shed & deep in rear.  On April 27, 1968 a letter of Appreciation was sent to County Commissioners, to Mr. Jim Brown - Forest Director, to Mr. Fred Bannovitch - Director of Bldg & Trades for Program # 5.  Members inspected the building and all voiced agreement that the effort was worthwhile.  The Butane tank and heaters were moved to the new building.  The old building was vacated and officially returned to Mr. Phillips.  The dedication on July 7, 1968 was attended by Forestry members Jim Young, Mike Mayer and Mr. Brown the Forest area supervisor.  Mr. Brown commented that our new building was to be used as a model for other Fire Garages to be built in the State under this program.  A film was shown of the Las Animas fire.  All members were invited to visit and inspect new buildings. 

-Author Unknown


What is now the Stonewall Fire Protection District (SFPD) began with only a handful of volunteers (maybe 8 or 10) with big hearts, strong backs, but not much of anything else.  CF & I Steel Corp. donated the first fire engine (used, of course).  The volunteers were known as the "Gray Crew" because all the firefighters were over 50 years old. 

The District was created by a vote of the people in 1999 and was the culmination of three years of intense effort by volunteers.  It is supported by tax revenues from a mil levy on property.

SFPD encompasses 547 square miles of mountains and foothill terrain on the eastern slope of the Sangre De Cristo and the Culebra Mountains ranges.  Within our boundaries are:

* Over 30 subdivisions and four established unincorporated communities (Stonewall,              Weston, Segundo and Valdez)

* Many businesses, including coal and methane gas industry

* Numerous ranches -- large and small

* Resorts and lakes -- public & private

* Thousands of acres of undeveloped wildland

A 1953 fire truck....  Stan Barron, CF&I's land foreman in the Trinidad area, right, is also the Fire Chief of the Stonewall Valley Fire Department.  CF&I recently donated the fire truck, pictured here to the Department.  It had operated at the Pueblo Plant since 1953.  Other members of the Stonewall Valley pictured here are, from left, Mrs. Shirley Barron, Donna and Orville Gilpin. 

We have slowly but steadily grown into a volunteer team of approximately 50 men and women firefighters, EMTs, Search & Rescue personnel and approximately 30 Auxiliary members.