9055 Bosque Del Oso Road, Weston Co, 81091
Ph : 719-868-2249 / Fax : 719-868-2222

  This page is dedicated to the prevention of fire.  Fire is a dangerous thing and firefighters are here to help in protecting lives and property.  By frequently checking this page you will find helpful links and safety tips to use in the event of a fire.  If you have questions or comments, please contact our Fire Chief, John Jenkins, at 719-868-2249 during normal business hours.  



NFPA estimates that 80% of fire deaths occur in the home.  Roughly 11 people die in home fires in the U.S. and Canada every day.  Time is the largest factor in a house fire.  Many people assume they can react quickly when faced with a fire, but most fire fatalities occur in the home while you are asleep.  The more prepared you are, the quicker you can escape unharmed.  Here are some general safety tips to keep your home fire-safe:


* Develop an emergency floor plan.  Have at least two exits available from             each room. If you choose a window as one exit, make sure there is a way to reach the ground safely.  Escape ladders can be placed in or near windows to provide an additional escape route.  Make sure you are familiar to use an escape ladder in an emergency.


* Install a fire/smoke detector on every level of your home, near each bedroom.  Make sure it will warn you of all types of fires.  Remember, the smell of smoke will not wake you at night; the fumes may even put you in a deeper sleep.  You need a loud noise to wake you up!


* Test the fire/smoke detector monthly; make each test a chance to practice your escape route with your family.


* Keep portable space heaters at least 3 feet from anything that can burn (curtains, bedding, clothing, etc.)


* Store all matches and lighters up high, preferably in a locked cabinet.


* Keep fire extinguishers designed for A-B-C (combination) fires near the kitchen (22% of all home fires occur in the kitchen) and near doors for easy access.  Make sure everyone knows where your extinguishers are located, and how to operate them.


* Eliminate hazards in your home that could block escape paths in an emergency, such as bars on windows, stacked books or magazines, or cumbersome furniture.

Click on these links for safety tips:

Forest Home Fire Safety (CSU Extension)

Fire Safety for Kids: Sparky the Fire Dog

How to Prepare of a Wildfire

Home Fire Safety for Older Adults